September 6, 2012

Family Trip to Ching Jing 家族旅遊去清靜農場



  • 寶島時代村:小潘潘和先生投資五億元建造的室內大型懷舊美食空間。我覺得這個構想不錯也十分有野心,復古的戲院建築街道標語,裝潢環境好像讓我們走進時光隧道,重新回到爸爸媽媽小時候的年代。我超級愛那些貼在牆壁和電線桿上早期的廣告傳單及政治宣傳,不知道多少人注意到這些小東西,但是這些細節通常就是可以打動人心的地方。美中不足的有三點:1有點太商業化,好像就是要做商業買賣($150門票抵$100消費也是推波助瀾的行為)。2遊客太多,管制人數在裡面遊走會比較愜意。3舉辦更多的活動表演吸引人,與商店結合產生1+1>2功效,留住遊客參與活動以及在店內消費,不然好不容易用話題性吸引這麼多人來,卻不能把人潮留住實在可惜。希望這個地方能越做越好,吸引年輕一代甚至是外國遊客去親身體驗、瞭解台灣的歷史過去。

  • 我們包棟了!這次全家包下一棟民宿,四間小木屋、花園空地和客廳餐廳都是我們的空間,非常舒服!天氣涼爽陽光溫暖,一邊看山一邊日光浴真的很不錯!

  • 終於攻上百嶽之一石門山。值得紀念的是大家都爬上去了!大中午紫外線很高又炎熱,雖然不是很遠的步程,但是因為海拔很高空氣稀薄,走一段路就要比平常休息更長一段時間,大家都氣喘吁吁差點喘不過氣來。我本來就抱著這次一定要攻頂的打算,意想不到一行人有老有少,有穿著涼鞋的,竟然大家都堅持到最後,一起在山頂留下這難忘的回憶,大家真的太棒了!回程為了省時間走到一條禁止進入箭竹保育路上,一路都是長度到腰的植物,根本看不到下山的路還頻頻掉進樹叢,有驚無險到達地面,也算特別的回憶吧!

  • 日月潭祕徑貓囒山:一個人煙稀少的步道,讓我們看到美麗的紅葉,又鳥瞰日月潭的美景,更神奇的是,爬完了石門山再走這個步道,一。點。也。不。累。下山時聽到雨聲,一邊大喊下雨了一邊尖叫一邊衝上車,但是卻沒淋到雨,只看到一面”雨牆“漸漸朝我們逼近!真是太妙了!

  • 日月潭向山遊客中心:遊日月潭必去!一進入遊客中心雨勢開始變大,大雨大力沖刷大片的落地玻璃,正慶幸沒有淋到雨,水就漸漸淹進咖啡店了...戶外的椅子也飄進水池裡...更扯的是,有老伯可能因下雨視力不佳,把車也開到水池裡了...

I just had a 3 day trip with relatives from my mom's side to Nantou County. It's the only county in Taiwan that is not adjacent to the ocean. Our destination was Ching Jing, one of the places where many B&B situated at. If you are mountain lovers, you will definitely love this place.

First we went to this newly opened place called Taiwan Times Village which really evoked a sense of nostalgia. It brought us back to the 50s and 60s of Taiwanese rural and urban livings. It was quite interesting to see how the life was like back in the time when my parents were little. I especially loved the war propaganda and medicine ads on the walls. They were out dated but still kept the spirit of the old times. Everyone should pay a visit if he/she wants to learn more about the look and traditions of old Taiwan.

The second thing worth mention was that all of our family members climbed up to the Mt. Shihmen (3237M)! It's part of Mountain Hehuan, which is one of the highest mountains in Taiwan. It was indeed a challenge for me since I didn't exercise that much, however I made myself a promise to conquer it this time and not to give up like last time. I made it and so did all the old and young folks! My cousins even finished the climb with their sandals on! Bravo to all of us! On our way back we were led to walk on a trail which was for reserved plantations and was forbidden to enter. We entered anyways (do not copy our action) and it was my closest encounter with plants. There were these waist-height, massive plants all the way and none of us could figure out where to put our feet on. Quite an exciting and unforgettable experience.

Last but not least we concluded the trip with a visit to Sun Moon Lake. We walked on a mountain trail (again!) and saw wonderful views of the whole Lake area. Later we went to this tourist center that is famous for its modern architecture in natural setting. I had a wonderful afternoon there sitting in a cafe without getting wet in the pouring rain, somebody was not that lucky. Due to the big afternoon shower and maybe bad visibility, an old guy drove his car into the water pond by accident...